Fruit & Vegetables

Photo of Avocado Ea

Avocado Ea

$3.69 each

Photo of Banana Cavendish Kg

Banana Cavendish Kg

~ $0.53 each ($3.29 per kg)

Photo of Cucumber Lebanese Kg

Cucumber Lebanese Kg

~ $0.92 each ($6.49 per kg)

Photo of Capsicum Red Kg

Capsicum Red Kg

~ $1.89 each ($8.49 per kg)

Photo of Beans Hand Picked Kg

Beans Hand Picked Kg

$12.99 per kg

Photo of Broccoli Kg

Broccoli Kg

~ $3.27 each ($7.29 per kg)

Photo of Mushroom Button Kg

Mushroom Button Kg

$17.99 per kg

Photo of Zucchini Green Kg

Zucchini Green Kg

~ $1.61 each ($8.59 per kg)

Photo of Carrots Loose Kg

Carrots Loose Kg

~ $0.55 each ($3.89 per kg)

Photo of Onions Brown Kg

Onions Brown Kg

~ $0.51 each ($2.99 per kg)

Photo of Lemons Loose Kg

Lemons Loose Kg

~ $2.17 each ($11.59 per kg)

Photo of Tomatoes Truss Kg

Tomatoes Truss Kg

~ $1.29 each ($8.59 per kg)

Photo of Lettuce Cos Ea Local

Lettuce Cos Ea Local

$2.99 each



~ $1.22 each ($6.69 per kg)

Photo of Onions Red Kg

Onions Red Kg

~ $1.50 each ($6.99 per kg)

Photo of Tomatoes Roma Kg

Tomatoes Roma Kg

~ $0.78 each ($8.99 per kg)

Photo of Potatoes Washed Loose Kg

Potatoes Washed Loose Kg

~ $1.46 each ($6.39 per kg)

Photo of Watermelon Seedless Kg

Watermelon Seedless Kg

~ $4.41 each ($2.00 per kg)

Save 49c
Photo of Carrots

Carrots 1kg

$2.29 each

Photo of Lettuce Iceberg Ea

Lettuce Iceberg Ea

$4.59 each

Photo of Mango Kp Ea

Mango Kp Ea

$2.90 each

Save $1.79
Photo of Apples Pink Lady Bag

Apples Pink Lady Bag

$6.69 each

Photo of Banana Lady Finger Kg

Banana Lady Finger Kg

~ $0.92 each ($6.99 per kg)

Photo of Grapes Green Seedless Kg

Grapes Green Seedless Kg

$7.99 per kg

Photo of Kiwifruit Ea

Kiwifruit Ea

$2.29 each

Photo of Limes


$0.75 each

Photo of Pears Kg

Pears Kg

~ $1.76 each ($7.69 per kg)

Photo of Asparagus Green Bunch Ea

Asparagus Green Bunch Ea

$3.99 each

Photo of Grapes Red Seedless Kg

Grapes Red Seedless Kg

$7.99 per kg

Photo of Celery Half

Celery Half

$2.49 each

Photo of Nectarines White Flesh Kg

Nectarines White Flesh Kg

~ $0.53 each ($3.90 per kg)

Save $1.79
Photo of Peaches Yellow Kg

Peaches Yellow Kg

~ $0.66 each ($5.29 per kg)

Photo of Tomatoes Loose Kg

Tomatoes Loose Kg

~ $0.65 each ($4.00 per kg)

Save $2.39
Photo of Potatoes Brushed Loose Kg

Potatoes Brushed Loose Kg

~ $1.02 each ($3.29 per kg)

Photo of Sweet Corn Ea

Sweet Corn Ea

$1.89 each

Photo of Cauliflower Ea

Cauliflower Ea

$10.99 each

Photo of Garlic Purple Kg

Garlic Purple Kg

$28.99 per kg

Photo of Sweet Potatoes Gold Kg

Sweet Potatoes Gold Kg

~ $3.81 each ($5.99 per kg)

Photo of The Market Grocer Cashews Salted

The Market Grocer Cashews Salted 200g

$9.68 each ($4.84 per 100g)

Photo of Blueberries Ea

Blueberries Ea 125g

$5.29 each ($4.23 per 100g)

Photo of Eshallots Bunch Ea

Eshallots Bunch Ea

$2.99 each

Photo of Apples Gala Bag

Apples Gala Bag

$4.89 each

Photo of Capsicum Green Kg

Capsicum Green Kg

~ $1.20 each ($4.99 per kg)

Photo of Carrots Dutch Bunch Ea

Carrots Dutch Bunch Ea

$3.69 each

Photo of Cucumber Continental Ea

Cucumber Continental Ea

$3.59 each

Photo of Oranges Navel Kg

Oranges Navel Kg

~ $2.29 each ($10.29 per kg)

Photo of Cherries Kg

Cherries Kg

$19.99 per kg

Photo of Ginger Kg

Ginger Kg

$34.99 per kg

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